Talks / Papers / Conferences

My online slides


I've been to 21 Perl conferences/workshops/Toolchain summits (starting in 2003), many of which I have spoken at. In addition to this I regularly attend the MetaCPAN core contributors hackathon and occasionally go to the meetings, though now more the London Node User Group meetings.

Serverless/AWS talks


I am talking at Serverless Computing London 2019 about AWS CDK.

System architecture talks

Evolving architecture

Two talks I did for YAPC::Europe, back in 2008 2007 slides and 2008 slides.

Current architecture thoughts

I wrote up my most recent thoughts (2019) on system architecture for SaaS: Building X as a service. Leveraging Service full Serverless, Event driven architecture with observability, based on AWS, GraphQL, Node.js and Vue.js.

Perl Talks

DBIx::Class for (advanced) beginners

Introduction to DBIx::Class, presented at London Perl Workshop (2008, 2009 & 2010) as well as YAPC::EU 2010 and 2012 you can find out more: Slides Online Video (I think there is a better quality one around somewhere!)

Plack Basics

Slides Online video given at several conferences including YAPC::EU 2011

Smaller talks

  • Pages, results and caching at a London Perl Workshop

  • Data::Pageset - at a

Papers - white papers

In March 2010 I wrote and organised a series of Perl White Papers on

Last Updated: 9/5/2019, 7:19:03 PM